Antimicrobial action.

antimicrobial and anti-odor action

The attack of bacteria, molds, fungi and microorganisms on surfaces is not only an aesthetic problem, but above all a hygienic problem in public, commercial or industrial buildings and in private homes.

Steikos photocatalytic nanotitanium, in the presence of sunlight or artificial light, acquires the property of oxidizing, that is, of decomposing the cells of bacteria and viruses, counteracting microbial development.

Furthermore, thanks to the photocatalytic properties of nanotitanium, it is possible to inhibit the onset of bad smells by decomposing toxic gases and odorous compounds that are the source of these unpleasant phenomena and can cause discomfort in the home or work environment.

Malodorous substances, such as ammonia compounds, sulphides and sulfur compounds, are indicators of anaerobic fermentation, which can be absorbed by surfaces treated with STEIKOS antibacterial and antifouling coatings

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